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The Vietnam Syndrome (lack of confidence).

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Vietnam Syndrome is a term used in the in public political rhetoric and political analysis, to describe the perceived impact of the domestic controversy over the Viet Nam war on US foreign policy after the end of that war in 1975.

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there is no cure you can go to therapy but that's it and it still won't help

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The Vietnam syndrome =lack of confidence/or a losing streak. President George Bush Senior told the American public in 1991, that Operation Desert Storm (January/February 1991-the removal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait) had, "...defeated the Vietnam Syndrome, and America was re-united again!"

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WWI they called it "Shell Shock." WWII the new term was "Battle Fatique." Well after the Vietnam War, people came up with PTS-Post Traumatic Syndrome.

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"Vietnam syndrome " is having a loss of faith and a defeatist attitude. Operation Desert Storm in 1991, retored our country's faith and removed our defeatist attitude. President George Bush (Senior) announced to the world on nation wide TV, that America had "...defeated the Vietnam Sydrome."

Some people use the term to describe being lost in a quaqmire of an unwinnable war. However, if that was the case all previous wars to Vietnam would have been "Vietnam Syndromes": During the US Civil War, President Lincoln felt that he might be in an un-winnable war. During WWII, the US and it's allies were LOSING on ALL fronts, the US and it's allies actually at one point, wondered if we could win the war against the axis powers. So, at some point, WWII was considered to some, in the beginning, an un-winnable war, the axis powers seemed unstoppable.

The loss of Vietnam, created in America a loss of faith in our government, our military, and ourselves. It was a Vietnam attitude (Vietnam Syndrome).

Vietnam Syndrome- A general reluctance on the part of Americans to engage in another lengthy full-scale war.
Biggest aftereffect of The Nam was because of defoliant, agent orange

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No. Many experienced PST - Post Tramautic Stress Syndrome. PST makes you have nightmares and flash-backs but you are NOT crazy.

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Operation Desert Storm cleansed it, in 1991. The same as the Spanish-American War in 1898 reunited Americans after the Civil War.

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Battle Fatique or Combat Fatique. It was called the same thing because the senior officers and NCOs leading the war in Vietnam were WWII era men. Generals Harkins, Westmoreland, Abrams (all Vietnam war commanders) had all fought in Europe against the Germans during WWII.

Unfortunately, it was Vietnam Veterans (victims) that were used to introduce that "Post Tramatic Syndrome" term. Unfortunately because it set the trend for abuse by everyone else (called "getting on the band wagon"-all occupations and all people). But during the Vietnam War "post tramatic syndrome" didn't exist, just combat or battle stress (fatigue).

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There is no evidence to link polycystic ovary syndrome to the defoliant chemicals, which became of concern primarily because they were contaminated by dioxins, and therefore were environmentally toxic. Agent Orange was used primarily during the Vietnam War.

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When Terry's father's eyes go away, he is having flashbacks of the war. Doctors explain that it is Vietnam Syndrome.

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Syndactyly is a characteristic of Apert syndrome, Poland syndrome, Jarcho-Levin syndrome, oral-facial-digital syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, and Edwards syndrome

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Syndactyly is a characteristic of Apert syndrome, Poland syndrome, Jarcho-Levin syndrome, oral-facial-digital syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, and Edwards syndrome.

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XXXY Syndrome and Barr-Shaver-Carr Syndrome are the same.

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There no longer is a North Vietnam, North Vietnam and South Vietnam were joined together after the Vietnam War.

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There were 3 countries: North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and Vietnam.

N & S Vietnam were created in 1954/55. Vietnam was created in 1975/76.

Vietnam hasn't conquered anybody.

North Vietnam conquered South Vietnam in 1975

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Disorders, such as Down's Syndrome, are caused by nondisjunction.

7 answers

The Spanish-American War of 1898 brought the Americans together (re-united them) from the effects of the US Civil War. Operation Desert Storm of January/February 1991 reunited the American people from the effects of the Vietnam War (per President George Bush Sr., "...we've beat the Vietnam syndrome!").

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what is kinefelter syndrome?

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Angelman syndrome is a genetic disorder, as is Down syndrome. But they are not the same.

Angelman Syndrome involves a deletion of Chromosome 15, whereas people with Down syndrome have an extra copy of Chromosome 21.

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Vietnam and Laos.

Vietnam and Laos.

Vietnam and Laos.

Vietnam and Laos.

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See the website on "Vietnam". But be advised, there was NO "North Vietnam" after the war ended...Just VIETNAM.

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Technically between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Actually between the US and North Vietnam.

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The nation of Vietnam came into existence in 1975 (on paper in 1976). So are you asking about that Vietnam or the Vietnam War?

There was no nation called "Vietnam" during the Vietnam War.

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Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war?

A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!

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also known as Martin-Bell syndrome, Marker X syndrome, and FRAXA syndrome

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North Vietnam conquered South Vietnam.

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No, the Vietnam War was in Vietnam

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SOUTH Vietnam was called the "REPUBLIC of South Vietnam." Everyone in those days just called North Vietnam...NORTH VIETNAM.

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Vietnam Vietnam - 1971 was released on:

USA: September 1971

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Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam)

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Alport Syndrome

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N. Vietnam was ATTACKING S. Vietnam. South Vietnam was defending itself with the help of the US/Allies.

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if you were born and your mother or father had William syndrome, you can inherit the syndrome or disease.

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The phrase "occupational hazardous syndrome" or "occupational hazard syndrome" has no meaning.

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no, they were in Vietnam

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